Book Blogger Hop: May 8th - 14th

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop is a weekly writing prompt hosted on Coffee Addicted Writer.

Question of the Week:

If you had a chance to read a book or watch a movie that is not
about a book you have read, which would you choose?

My Answer:

I have a tendency to judge movies a whole lot more if I have already read the book. This means that instead of truly enjoying the movie my inner monologue is point out everything that is "wrong" with the movie. Due to this I usually watch the movie first, unless I'm really curious about the book. Sometimes even when the movie is not all that great I still decide to read the book (The Vampire Academy). I like to use movies as a way to peak my interest in the book.

V  T   C   Tattoo  Script  Two  Regular


  1. I do the same thing!! That is why I never watch the movie after reading the book. Hunger Games did that to me too!

    1. I didn't read the hunger games until after seeing the first two movies & I still haven't read Mockingjay, I do plan on it though.

  2. I do the same. I am thinking about the book instead of the movie. LOL!!

    I prefer books to movies for the most part.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  3. I prefer books over movies too but sometimes its nice to relax to a movie with popcorn. I do love me a good tv show though, its my weakness.


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